A floor sitter can be shifted quickly from one location to another while remaining close to the floor, completely supporting the child and keeping the child secure. It takes the child's special needs to the same degree as their friends to play on the field and be mobile. The hospital floor sitter helps children to sit without the help of an adult or caregiver. It is a perfect way to exercise long leg sitting, stretching the hamstrings and improving core muscle strength. Through a floor-sitter, children can comfortably be part of floor-based events either individually or in groups. Everyone needs to sit on the floor at the time of the circle and, with our choice of Floor Sitters, everyone does! But they're not all for the duration of the circle. Think of all the things that children are happiest to do on the field. Medical floor sitter helps the infant to be independent, hands free for play, while retaining maximum erect trunk alignment. For an infant who cannot sit on his own and needs to be held by his shoulders and upper body, our Floor Sitters provide assistance for child seats on the floor.